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7 Chakra Braceclet
This bracelet can be a beautiful and meaningful tool for maintaining balance, focusing your energies, and aligning with your highest potential. Root Chakra (Muladhara) – Red Jasper, to provide grounding...
Agate Eyes of Shiva for Home Protection - Eye Shaped
They "watch" out for you and protect the home. This stone has a smooth energy that will wash over you, mute the tensions, and promote harmony. Shiva Eye Agates, named...
Amazonite for Electromagnetic & Geopathic Destress - Angel
Colour – Blue, Green This crystal has powerful filtering action. It blocks Geopathic stress, absorbs microwaves & cell phone emanations & protects against electromagnetic pollution. This is an extremely soothing...
Amazonite for Tooth & Electromagnetic - Bracelet
Colour – Blue, Green This crystal has powerful filtering action. It blocks Geopathic stress, absorbs microwaves & cell phone emanations & protects against electromagnetic pollution. It helps as an aid...
Amethyst for Anger Issues & Balancing - Angel
Colour – Purple to Lavender An angel figure is a symbol of protection, love, and guidance, which is especially meaningful for children. Pairing amethyst's peaceful qualities with the comforting presence...
Amethyst for Bad Dreams - Geode Bedroom
Colour – Purple to Lavender Treats Insomnia & brings restful sleep Can place near while sleeping or place under the pillow in tumble form. It is helpful in healing Bad...
Amethyst for Capricorn - Bracelet
Colour – Purple to Lavender Helps them to remove blockages related to mental clarity. Amethyst will help to stabilize their over ambitiousness & help them to focus on other part...
Amethyst for Kids Study Table - Merkabah
Colour – Purple to Lavender The Amethyst Merkabah crystal combines the healing power of amethyst with the transformative energy of the sacred geometry of the Merkabah. It enhances concentration, memory,...
Amethyst for Number 9 - Bracelet
Colour – Purple to Lavender It works to alleviate negative emotions, such as anger and anxiety, promoting a state of emotional balance and peace. It enhances concentration, memory, and creativity...
Angelite - Bracelet
Colour – Light Blue Purpose - Stone of Healers It facilitates conscious contact with the Angelic Realm. It enhances telepathic communication & enables out of body journey. It deepens attunement...
Aquamarine for Aquarius - Bracelet
Colour – Green-blue This crystal has an affinity with sensitive people. Helps to overcome their judgmentalism & break old, self-defeating programs. It invokes high states of consciousness & spiritual awareness...
Black Tourmaline for Number 8 - Bracelet
Colour – Black This crystal clears the aura, removes blockages, disperse negative energy, and point to solutions for specific problems. It is an excellent crystal for balancing & connecting the...